Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Rien, Merci

Nothing. This post is about nothing.

Hubba Hubba, Our New PA!

The first thing about our new PA on Sunday was that she showed up in a "Sexy Police Lady" get-up: Motorcycle Cop glasses hid beneath enormous tufts of wavy, dark hair. A well equipped utility belt was slung low on super-duper, short-shorts and on the top, piles of cleavage exploded out the front of a tightly buttoned-down shirt.

When she opened her mouth, the voice was so low and dryly deadpan that you couldn't guess it came from a woman. And as she began speaking it was all we could do not to stare in amazement--She flatly stated in strict monotone-run-on-sentence, robot-speak:

"I just got off a week of shooting sixteen hour days for television where we were all walking zombies and nobody had any kind of revolution or revolt because they were all making BANK, like the PAs were getting over 800 a week and the DP made 5,000 and everybody was getting SO MUCH OVERTIME PAY that no one would open their mouth or say anything..."

"I don't have a business card, people, I have a RES-UM-MAY. I can email it to you...I have your email address...It's on the callsheet...I think I'll eat a banana."

And when she ate a banana we all followed her around to watch. It was like that.

The crew in complete thrall spent all day trying to figure out if she was into men or women...We finally decided both, she certainly must be into both--There was just no other answer.

So yeah. That happened.