Thursday, January 29, 2009

Generic Beer Can

This is the Generic Beer Can of blog posts--Black and White and Tasteless.

Talking to Mister WiFi the other day, he was wistful of the day that generic beer cans could be found on grocery store shelves. And then somehow so was I.


When was that day? And weren't we both ten years old at the time?

I had a friend who used to throw angry tantrums about neo-retro movements that in any way emitted psuedo-nostalgia for a time never experienced by the perpetrator.

But somehow the 80s will never die. They were so stupid that we all must re-live them again and again and again and bloody well like-slash-love it.

And then a meteorite hit this blog post and wiped it out.

1 comment:

Twisted Dog said...

Um, they just played "Forever Young" at the end of Big Love and now I feel compelled to off a television producer. Explain that.