Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tell Me Lies, Tell Me Sweet Little Lies

So I met an aging artist, an early experimental filmmaker and video artist, and his young actress (girlfriend?) at their place for tea. It was highly surreal and delightful.

The filmmaker asked me in German if I was a crazy whore upon my arrival to see what I would say. I don't understand much German but luckily have one good expression that I cheerfully threw back, "Nine, danke!" So it all worked out.

He threatened to read obscene poetry that he'd written but never came up with anything too scandalous, to my great sadness. Lots of stories about promiscuous women he'd known years before, presumably all true.

The girlfriend (??) feeling a bit left out of conversation, said she'd won an Oscar when she was a child. She handed me a dirty tumbler with a pink, iced beverage inside that she called wine. There was a perfect imprint of her lips made in crazy-colored lipstick on the rim of the jar.

She said she'd won the Oscar for her role in ET--The original ET, not the version we've all seen.
She'd played "the little girl with blond hair and brown eyes," which must have required her to dye her hair and wear colored contacts.

After that, she was going to continue acting and maybe do some modeling, but had to go to elementary school instead. A very disappointing experience. Although she did learn some science and math and to read and write.

This was all before she became an Egyptian Queen and Esthetician (giving facials) --two separate jobs she held simultaneously.

Well, I'll be!

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