Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Brief Email Exchange: Part I

Dear Darla, my computer wouldn't let me open your news page!!!

Anyway, we both like Obama a lot, saw him here months ago and are looking forward to having him for our President.

My favorite Presidents have been Dems--clear back to J.F.K. whose grave we visited yesterday, Jimmy Carter and I think R.F.K. would have made it to the Presidency and been great.

That said, I think this is most exciting because of the history of blacks in the U.S. --it is a miracle, as an elderly black man in a wheel chair said.

It is the beginning of waking our country up again to those issues and making things right for the race we have wronged.

In a nutshell. It's nice to be on the same side of things as kids and hubby!

Well, back to the laundry, off to the store for yogurt and bananas, our daily breakfast!

Love to see you sometime soon! Lots of love and kisses!


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