Monday, October 6, 2008

House Meetings and Other Funny Jokes

I live with two men who share the same name. It's magical. One has a scruffy beard that proceeds him and the other has an invisible, secret beard that--much like Wonder Woman's jet-- cannot be seen by the naked eye. Unless you, yourself are naked.

No, that's not entirely true--I added that secret beard thing at the last minute, you know, to spice things up. Let me know if you like it. I haven't decided where to take this blog yet. Hmmm...Thoughts?

Anyhow, my roomies and I, we live in a ram-shackle co-ed frat house that's infested with creatures of all kinds, but mainly people; big, stupid, annoying idiot us. And we need someone to keep track of our nonsense-- I'm quite certain. And I'm here to do it. Capturing each day and it's blizzard of idiocy on film forever, if the internet were a camera and words were photography and pork could fly.

So for this posting, I would like to talk about the house meeting we were scheduled to have, as requested by Mister WiFi, my roommate without the beard, who spends all his time online. He buys things on ebay, mainly t-shirts and googles things and watches the news on CNN.whatever.

And he decided that we all must talk and come to terms with a cleaning plan and clearing a path forward and white boards should be scribbled on with some sort of cookies served. (He is a school-teacher and this is high on the list of things a good meeting must have).

My other roommate Professor The Beard decided we could only have said meeting late at night on a Sunday (last night) when none of us would be able to attend (Mister Wifi goes to bed at 9:30 on school nights, Professor the Beard is unreachable and I am anybody's guess.

So that tanked.

And the only reason I mention it is because we now have an agenda for our next meeting, which is actually the first meeting and still won't actually happen according to those of us "In the know" and that agenda goes a little something like this:

0. Shoes
1. House Rules
2. Cleaning Schedule
3. Mice
4. Repairs needed to house, to ask H.C. for....
5. Home Alone time
6. Family nights together
6b. Shoes
6c. Happy Hour schedule
7. Garage, basement, breakfast room/office/study, Plans for...
8. Garage sale!!! When?
9. Food, drink and sundry
10. Bills, Bills, Bills
11. Music, DVD's, TV, Radio, Speakers
12. Garden and Firepit
13. Our sanity and well-being, friendship, soulness and direction
14. HOUSE PARTY - when??
15. The Five Year Plan
16. The Ten Year Plan

Egads! The only thing I put on that agenda is mice and shoes (I like shoes and like looking at them, trying them on and talking about them but not in a dreadful, trite Sex in the City kind of way...And conversely on the mice issue, I don't like them, looking at them, trying them on or talking about them, etc., etc.)

But what is fucking up with that Five Year Plan, Ten Year Plan?! Am I married to this house? And I don't know it yet? Is the engagement ring of marrying this frat house stamped across my face? Well, sir, I will blog about it until I move! Every day and hard!

Stay tuned...

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