Monday, October 20, 2008

Today's Email Message to Mister WiFi (copied ver batim):

I'm in San Francisco, dreaming of eggs.

Here is something else you probably don't know: Every morning I have eggs for breakfast, usually in the form of egg whites, which are far better for you, with spinach and salsa.

That's my deal with that.

And I never get bored of it, or if I do, I don't complain. Because no one would listen or care (certainly not me) and I doubt I would change it up anyhow.

C'est la vie.

But stolen garbage eggs are (tend to be) a little scary.

I still, however, appreciate the scavagings of crazy old birds even if this is not actually a word as such (according to my spell-check) and even if crazy old birds are really a Salty Dog, Sea Captain.

I met my sister and brother and nephew in this fair city and now I'm visiting friends a bit.

How are you? How are things there?

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